Best Time To Eat Walnuts For Hair Growth - Nourish Smartly

When's the Best Time To Eat Walnuts For Hair Growth? Discover the ideal daily timing plus portion recommendations to harness the strand-strengthening power of walnuts.

Best Time To Eat Walnuts For Hair Growth
Best Time To Eat Walnuts For Hair Growth

Table of Content

  •  Introduction

Ø  Walnut Nutrition Essentials for Hair Health

Ø  Essential Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Ø  Phenolic Antioxidants

Ø  B-Vitamin Complex

  • Why Time of Consumption Matters

Ø  Impact on Blood Sugar Control

Ø  Effect on Nutrient Absorption

Ø  Role of Gut Microbes

  •  Best Time frame for Eating Walnuts

Ø  Morning: 7-10 AM

Ø  Mid-day Snack: 2-3 PM

Ø  Night: With Dinner 5-8 PM

  • Ideal Portion Sizes

Ø  Portion Cautions


  • Making Walnuts Part of Your Routine

Ø  As Nutrient-Dense Snacks

Ø  In Wholesome Recipes

Ø  As part of the nutrient Timing Plan

  • The Bigger Picture of Hair Wellness
  • FAQ’s and Answers
  • Conclusion

Best Time To Eat Walnuts For Hair Growth
Best Time To Eat Walnuts For Hair Growth


If you’re seeking natural ways to nurture healthier, faster-growing hair tresses, you’ve likely encountered advice to incorporate walnuts into your diet. And for good reason! These crunchy nuts pack a nutritional powerhouse of compounds linked to stronger, thicker locks thanks to high omega-3s, antioxidants, B vitamins and minerals.

But what’s the best time of day to gain the full hair-regenerating perks from walnuts? Timing your walnut intake strategically helps enhance blood flow to the scalp while optimizing nutrient absorption and microbial action for truly lustrous hair growth.

Walnut Nutrition Essentials for Hair Health

To appreciate why timing matters with walnuts, let’s briefly highlight the essential hair health nutrients found in these nutritional nuggets:

Essential Omega-3 Fatty Acids

The alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) in walnuts provides anti-inflammatory, membrane-hydrating and oil-balancing effects for a healthy scalp and shine-enhancing locks.

Phenolic Antioxidants

The polyphenols and tannins in walnuts combat free radical damage and pollution protecting follicle DNA integrity for continued pigment and growth.

B-Vitamin Complex

Biotin, B6, folate and others facilitate key pathways related to faster, higher-quality keratin production and melanin formation.

Why Time of Consumption Matters

Beyond just getting sufficient quantities of hair-helping nutrients from walnuts, the time you eat them influences bioavailability too.

Impact on Blood Sugar Control

Eating walnuts alongside carbs blunts dangerous blood sugar spikes thanks to protein and healthy fats while excess sugars can inflame follicles.

Effect on Nutrient Absorption

Certain compounds in walnuts boost the absorption of iron, zinc and B vitamins for hair production when eaten separately from coffee or high-fiber foods which can inhibit uptake.

Role of Gut Microbes

Our gut microbiome thrives on walnuts! The polyphenols specifically nourish healthy gut flora linked to improved hair density and quality. But these compounds may alter absorption timeframes of medications or other nutrients if eaten at the wrong times.

Now that you understand the nutrition basics and why timing matters, let’s uncover the prime times to consume walnuts.

Best Time To Eat Walnuts For Hair Growth
Best Time To Eat Walnuts For Hair Growth

Best Time frame for Eating Walnuts

The optimal three-time windows for harnessing walnut benefits are:

Morning: 7-10 AM

This aligns with our body’s cortisol patterns allowing nutrients to be directed efficiently towards hair follicle nourishment rather than stress responses.

Mid-day Snack: 2-3 PM

The dip in metabolism mid-day makes this window ideal for getting a nutrient and energy boost from walnuts without causing weight gain. Eat them with veggies too for balance.

Night: With Dinner 5-8 PM

Finally, a nightly serving ensures you meet daily needs consistently for growth benefits. The melatonin release aligns well with nutritional uptake.

Ideal Portion Sizes

Aim for around 1 ounce or a small palm full of whole walnuts daily at the recommended times for hair perks without overdoing calories. That equals roughly:

12-14 walnut halves
2 tablespoons roughly chopped walnuts
1-2 tablespoons pure walnut butter

Adjust portions based on your age, body size and activity levels following standard guidelines. While beneficial, exceeding ounce-range servings offer a limited additional advantage for hair regrowth while adding unnecessary calories.

Portion Cautions

On the flip side, inadequate walnut intake fails to meet the demands of hair follicles for nutritious compounds combatting breakage-causing inflammation and oxidative damage. So stick within or slightly above daily omega-3 recommendations to support growth without providing excess omega-6s or calories.

Making Walnuts Part of Your Routine

Simple ways to incorporate walnuts into your schedule include:

As Nutrient-Dense Snacks

Add a small handful of walnuts to your mid-morning or mid-day snack lineup or enjoy with fresh fruit.

In Wholesome Recipes

Use chopped walnuts to provide crunch to overnight oats, salads, stir-fries, yogurt bowls and more.

As part of the nutrient Timing Plan

Strategically structure meals to include walnuts alongside veggies and low-glycemic carbs to stabilize blood sugar and insulin for optimal follicle nourishment.

The Bigger Picture of Hair Wellness

While walnuts deliver unique nutritional support for healthier locks, don’t overlook the importance of additional lifestyle factors influencing hair growth like stress management through yoga, quality sleep, regular scalp massage, biotin supplementation if deficient and other holistic approaches. Together with ideal daily walnut intake, these steps provide a synergistic approach for your best hair yet!

FAQs and Answers on the best time to eat walnuts for hair growth:

Why are walnuts good for boosting hair growth?

Walnuts provide essential fatty acids, zinc, biotin, vitamin E, and protein to nourish hair follicles, reducing inflammation and oxidative damage for healthier, faster-growing hair.

When is the optimal time to eat walnuts to maximize hair benefits?

The best time is to enjoy walnuts as a snack between meals when your digestive system can focus energy on absorption rather than actively digesting other foods. Mid-afternoon or before bed tends to work well.

Should walnuts be eaten on an empty stomach for hair?

Not necessarily - a small snack of about 1 ounce of walnuts can accompany other nutritious foods without overburdening digestion. Just don't pair it with a heavy meal for optimal nutrient absorption.

Will eating walnuts at night lead to more hair growth?

Possibly! Eating walnuts as one of the last foods of the day allows growth-promoting nutrients like zinc, biotin, protein and omega-3s to work overnight repairing damage and stimulating follicles in hair’s rest phase.

Does it matter if walnuts are raw or roasted for hair benefits?

Raw walnuts retain more vitamins, so they are ideal. However, roasted walnuts still provide worthwhile nutrition for hair as well. Just avoid heavily salted or candied versions.

Can walnuts be combined with other nuts for better hair growth?

Absolutely! Mixing walnuts with almonds, Brazil nuts, pecans, hazelnuts etc. provides nutrient variety for boosted hair thickness and faster regrowth without overdoing calories.

Will eating walnuts every other day suffice for hair improvement?

For best effect, aim for four servings of walnuts over a week - or every other day. Consistency over months helps many experience positive hair changes in terms of strength, shine, and growth rate.

How long before increased hair growth occurs after starting walnuts?

Since hair growth occurs in cycles, allow at least 8 weeks to start seeing faster regrowth, continuing improvements in thickness around 3-4 months as follicles strengthen.

Can walnuts worsen hair loss that is already occurring?

It’s rare, but some notice temporarily increased shedding when making a major diet change. This subsides as nutrient levels balance out over 2-4 weeks. See your doctor if hair loss persists.

Are there any medical conditions that preclude eating walnuts for hair?

Tree nut allergies prevent walnut consumption. Those prone to gout attacks should limit nuts when actively flaring. Discuss any thyroid issues present too before significantly increasing intake.

Can walnuts stain hair darker over time with daily use?

No - walnuts will not alter hair color or cause staining. Both English walnuts and black walnuts are safe for blonde to black hair hues without darkening.

Is eating walnuts enough, or should they be applied externally too?

Consuming walnuts helps hair follicle health from within, while walnut oil applied topically boosts scalp skin and strand moisture retention for a dual-benefit approach.

Are walnuts sufficient as a vegetarian protein source for hair?

Walnuts supply some protein, but combinations with other plant proteins like soy, beans, lentils, hemp and chia are recommended for meeting full amino acid needs for robust hair.

Can walnuts worsen acne if prone to breakouts?

Rarely. Some notice slight temporary flares when introducing new foods. This normally fades within 6-8 weeks. The anti-inflammatory benefits of walnuts tend to improve acne long-term.

What is the ideal daily walnut serving size for luscious locks?

About 1-1 1⁄2 ounces of walnuts per day provides an optimal number of fatty acids, zinc, biotin and vitamins for lustrous, fast-growing hair. This equals roughly 15-20 walnut halves.


In summary, take advantage of walnuts’ essential omega-3s, B vitamins and antioxidants by enjoying about one ounce divided throughout the day - ideally around breakfast, a mid-day snack and dinner.

Following this consistent regimen allows walnuts’ nutrients to exert maximal impact through balanced blood sugar control, heightened nutrient bioavailability and microbiome support for lustrous, faster-growing hair. Alongside other lifestyle measures, making walnuts part of your regular hair care strategy helps create optimal growing conditions.

Read more: 15 Best Benefits Of Almond Oil For Hair: A Guide to Wellness

Tide Galaxy

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